After writing about global balance last month, today I would like to write about responsibility. What is responibility? A concept „that plays a central role in our everyday lives, but also in law, economics and politics“[1].
How can the concept be approached in a simple and structured way?
For example, by asking questions: How can responsibility be described and defined? What are the preconditions for its perception? Who is the carrier of responsibility? What is responsibility for? (In other words, the question of the scope and content of responsibility.) To whom does one have to justify oneself? …
I try to answer as briefly as possible based on the reading of various texts on the topic of responsibility in the context of my PPE studies (especially by Nida-Rümelin, Hans Jonas and Schönherr-Mann) and my professional experience:
Description/definition: I consciously assume responsibility, if I can cite reasons for my actions.
Requirement: Rationality, freedom and the ability to weigh reasons[2].
Carrier: „Autonomous“ individual => i.e. you and me😉.
Subject: For the relationship with fellows and nature? For child education? For global peace or achieving the 1.5 degree target? For nutrition, for consumption? For professional tasks? => In general, a distinction can be made between the factual and local scope of responsibility: The factual scope includes actions, beliefs and attitudes, the local scope in the broadest sense the „spaceship earth“[3].
Content: Duties and assumption of the latent risk of breach of duty and fault.
To whom does one justify? To oneself, family, fellows, nature, faith, conscience? => Here there is a plurality of possibilities.
The most important question is: How do I live up to my responsibility and what are suitable measures/maxims of action to achieve the goal? But first, some more questions:
Where do I feel responsibility / learn something the hard way?
As a father, when I worry about what could happen if my six-year-old slips while climbing on the bed and I therefore make an effort to clear all sharp objects from the potential fall radius if possible. …
As an engineer, when I consider what hazards might result from the buildings I oversee for their users and the general public. …
As a citizen, by going to the polls and getting involved with my city (through volunteerism, etc.) …
Where do the challenges lie for me and how do I deal with them?
With globalization – in the sense of the disappearance of spatial and temporal boundaries – not only the human habitat is increasingly de-bounded[4], but also responsibility.
Philosophical insights suggest that as an individual – despite certain limitations – I also bear global responsibility.
„Whoever allows his life to be shaped by others nevertheless remains responsible, although he gives away his freedom or creative power.“ [(Schönherr-Mann 2010), p. 53]
The choice of principles of action is left to each person. For example, the worldwide advocacy of human rights and respect for human dignity can be simple principles of action.
I further like to orient myself to Stiglitz „think globally and act locally“ [see (Stiglitz 2006), p. 22] and Nida-Rümelin: „I am not obliged to do good, but I am obliged not to harm anyone.“ [(Nida-Rümelin 2011), p. 115] and try to convey this orientation to my son as well.
[1] Nida-Rümelin, J. (2011). Verantwortung. Stuttgart, Reclam, S. 11
[2] Vgl. Nida-Rümelin, J. (2011). Verantwortung. Stuttgart, Reclam, S. 8 „Als Wesen … sind wir rational, frei und verantwortlich.“ Anmerkung: Die Verantwortungszuschreibung beruht folglich auf Annahmen – einem Mindestmaß an Entscheidungsfreiheit und Rationalität – die durch die genetische Anlagen, Erfahrung und Erziehung – im nicht eindeutig quantifizierbaren Maße beeinflusst werden. [Vgl. Myers, D. (2005). Psychologie. Heidelberg, Springer Medizin. S. 104 und Precht, R. D. (2008). Wer bin ich und wenn ja, wie viele? München, Goldmann. S. 323]
[3] Schönherr-Mann, H.-M. (2010). Die Macht der Verantwortung. Freiburg / München, Karl Alber. S. 19
[4] vgl. Klein, E. (2/2005). „Menschenrechte im Spiegel der Globalisierung.“ MRM – MenschenRechtsMagazin: 125-135. S. 125